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rasterdiv 0.3.5

Major changes

  • Adds twdtw as a distance methods for paRao()

Minor changes

  • Changes how N is intended in mpaRaoAreaS
  • Other improvements in paRaoS and paRaoP
  • Fixes bug in progBar for paRao()

rasterdiv 0.3.4

CRAN release: 2024-03-04

Major changes

  • Adds back CRE function (leaving old function syntax)

Minor changes

  • Organises “accessory functions” in a separate file
  • Documents almost all “accessory functions”
  • Tries to improve progress bar
  • Simplify heliPrep()
  • Matches package with book chapter

rasterdiv 0.3.3

Major changes

  • Adds heliPrep and heliPlot for helical graphs
  • Temporarily removes CRE function
  • Adds a vignettes for accRao (4)
  • Adds a vignettes for helical plots (5)

Minor changes

  • Small changes in all vignettes
  • Updated documentation to Roxygen style
  • Uses terra in the place of raster
  • Changes data type of copNDVI (SpatRaster now)
  • Changes data type of world (SpatVector now)
  • Improves documentation

rasterdiv 0.3.2

Minor changes

  • Fixes minor “bug” for area based Rao that did not allow for polygons containing raster matrices with just one value.
  • Adds an additional examples for Area based Rao.

rasterdiv 0.3.1

CRAN release: 2022-11-24

Minor changes

  • Fixes repetition in paRao() manual

rasterdiv 0.3.0

Major changes

  • Adds multidimension area-based Rao’s index in paRao().

Minor changes

  • Reorganises vignettes.
  • Adds new GitHub site with pkgdown().


Minor changes

  • Adds testthat tests for area-based Rao.


Minor changes

  • Made area-based paRao more efficient.
  • Adapted vignettes to what changed.

rasterdiv 0.2.5

Major changes

  • Starting to implement area-based paRao.

Minor changes

  • Vignettes reduced
  • Added world vector dataset

rasterdiv 0.2.4

Major changes

  • accRao now RaoAUC
  • RaoAUC working with paRao in multidimensional mode.

Minor changes

  • Fixed some inconsistencies in the manual.

rasterdiv 0.2.2p1

Major changes

  • Fixed issue due to high alphas which caused parametric Rao’s to go to infinite (just added a warning for the multidimensional version).
  • Rao still deprecated but connected in the background with paRao(…, alpha=1) for continuity with older versions.

rasterdiv 0.2.2

Major changes

  • Rao() is now deprecated, replaced by paRao(…, alpha=1).
  • Multiple window sizes can now be indicated in paRao(…, window=c(3,5)).
  • Multidimension paRao now working for np>1.

Minor changes

  • Vignette for multidimension Rao (rasterdiv_advanced_multimensionRao).
  • Added tests folder for testthat.

rasterdiv 0.2.1

Major changes

  • A new function accRao to derive the accumulation function of parametric Rao’s index over a range of alphas. A vignette (rasterdiv_advanced_accRao) to show how to apply this function was added to the package.

rasterdiv 0.2.0

Major changes

  • New parametrization of Rao’s quadratic entropy. This parametrisation reconciles abundance-based indexes with distance-based indexes (Rao). The new function is called paRao, which stands for parametric Rao’s entropy.

Minor changes

  • Minor improvements in the structure of all main functions.
  • Option to save the output as a rasterstack for all main functions.
  • pbapply and pbmcapply for progress bars.
  • Main vignette (rasterdiv_basics) simplified.

rasterdiv 0.1.0

First release which includes functions to compute on numerical matrices the following indexes: * Shannon–Wiener index of diversity * Rényi entropy * Simpson index * Berger-Parker index * Hill numbers of order q or effective number of species * Pielou evenness * Rao’s quadratic entropy * Cumulative Residual entropy