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It computes the parametric version of Rao's index of quadratic entropy (Q) on different classes of numeric matrices using a moving window algorithm.


  area = NULL,
  field = NULL,
  dist_m = "euclidean",
  window = 9,
  alpha = 1,
  method = "classic",
  rasterOut = TRUE,
  lambda = 0,
  na.tolerance = 1,
  rescale = FALSE,
  diag = TRUE,
  simplify = 0,
  np = 1,
  cluster.type = "SOCK",
  progBar = TRUE,
  debugging = FALSE



Input data may be a matrix, a Spatial Grid Data Frame, a SpatRaster, or a list of these objects.


Input vector area layer for area-based calculation.


Column name of the vector area layer to use to calculate the index.


Define the type of distance to be calculated between numerical categories. `dist_m` can be a character string which defines the name of the distance to derive such as "euclidean". The distance names allowed are the same as for proxy::dist. Alternatively, `dist_m` can be a function which calculates a user-defined distance, (i.e., function(x,y) {return(cos(y-x)-sin(y-x))}) or a matrix of distances. If `method="multidimension"` then only "euclidean", "manhattan", "canberra", "minkowski" and "mahalanobis" can be used. Default value is "euclidean". If `dist_m` is a matrix, then the function will assume that the matrix contains the distances.


The side of the square moving window, it must be a vector of odd numeric values greater than 1 to ensure that the target pixel is in the centre of the moving window. Default value is 3. `window` can be a vector with length greater than 1, in this case, Rao's index will be calculated over `x` for each value in the vector.


Weight for the distance matrix. If `alpha = 0`, distances will be averaged with a geometric average, if `alpha=1` with an arithmetic mean, if `alpha = 2` with a quadratic mean, `alpha = 3` with a cubic mean, and so on. if `alpha` tends to infinite (i.e., higher than the maximum integer allowed in R) or `alpha=Inf`, then the maximum distance will be taken. `alpha` can be a vector with length greater than 1, in this case, Rao's index will be calculated over `x` for each value in the vector.


Currently, there are two ways to calculate the parametric version of Rao's index. If `method="classic"`, then the normal parametric Rao's index will be calculated on a single matrix. If `method="multidimension"` (experimental!), a list of matrices must be provided as input. In the latter case, the overall distance matrix will be calculated in a multi- or hyper-dimensional system by using the distance measure defined through the function argument `dist_m`. Each pairwise distance is then multiplied by the inverse of the squared number of pixels in the considered moving window, and the Rao's Q is finally derived by applying a summation. Default value is `"classic"`.


Boolean, if TRUE the output will be a SpatRaster object with `x` as a template.


The value of the lambda of Minkowski's distance. Considered only if `dist_m = "minkowski"` and `method="multidimension"`. Default value is 0.


Numeric value (0.0-1.0) which indicates the proportion of NA values that will be tolerated to calculate Rao's index in each moving window over `x`. If the relative proportion of NA's in a moving window is bigger than `na.tolerance`, then the value of the window will be set as NA, otherwise Rao's index will be calculated considering the non-NA values. Default value is 1.0.


Boolean. Considered only if `method="multidimension"`. If TRUE, each element of `x` is rescaled and centred.


Boolean. If TRUE then the diagonal of the distance matrix is filled with 0's, otherwise with NA's. If `diag=TRUE` and `alpha=0`, the output matrix will inexorably be 0's.


Number of decimal places to be retained to calculate distances in Rao's index. Default `simplify=0`.


The number of processes (cores) which will be spawned. Default value is 2.


The type of cluster which will be created. The options are `"MPI"` (which calls "makeMPIcluster"), `"FORK"`, and `"SOCK"` (which call "makeCluster"). Default type is `"SOCK"`.


logical. If TRUE a progress bar is shown.


A boolean variable set to FALSE by default. If TRUE, additional messages will be printed. For debugging only.


A list of matrices of dimension `dim(x)` with length equal to the length of `alpha`. If `rasterOut=TRUE` and `x` is a SpatRaster, then the output is a list of SpatRaster objects.


The parametric Rao's Index (Q) is an extension of Rao's Index which considers a generalized mean between distances. The general formula for the parametric Rao's index is Q_a = $$Q = \sum_{i, j} p_i p_j d_{ij}^{\alpha}$$. Where `N` is the number of numerical categories, `i` and `j` are pair of numerical categories in the same moving window, and `alpha` is a weight given to distances. In the "multidimension" Rao's index, first the distances among categories are calculated considering more than one feature, and then the overall Rao's Q is derived by using these distances.


Rao, C. R. (1982). Diversity and dissimilarity coefficients: A unified approach. Theoretical Population Biology, 21(1), 24-43.


if (FALSE) {
# loading data
r <- terra::rast(volcano)

# we want to compute Rao's index on this data using a 3x3 window
res <- paRao(x = r, window = 3, alpha = 2, method = "classic")