This function processes the results of a list of calculations, packaging them into SpatRaster objects and naming them appropriately.
- out
A list containing the results of calculations that need to be transformed into SpatRaster objects. Each element in the list corresponds to a different calculation result.
- x
A list of SpatRaster objects or a similar object used as a template for creating new SpatRaster objects. Specifically, `x[[1]]` is used as the template.
- alpha
Numeric or numeric vector indicating the weight(s) used in the distance calculations that generated 'out'. It is used to label the results appropriately.
- window
Numeric or numeric vector indicating the size(s) of the moving window(s) used in the calculations that generated 'out'. It is used to label the results.
A list of SpatRaster objects corresponding to the different processed results. Each SpatRaster is named based on the 'alpha' and 'window' parameters used in the calculation. The naming convention is 'alpha.<alpha value>' for the inner lists and 'window.<window size>' for the outer list.
The function is designed to post-process the results of spatial calculations performed on raster data. The typical use case is to process results from a function that performs calculations on different 'windows' of the data, using varying 'alpha' parameters, and returns the results as a list. This function takes that list, converts each element to a SpatRaster (using the first SpatRaster in 'x' as a template), and assigns appropriate names to each based on the 'alpha' and 'window' parameters.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Assume 'result_list' is obtained from a previous calculation, containing
# multiple results to be converted to SpatRaster objects.
# 'raster_template' is a list of SpatRaster objects used as templates.
processed_results <- process_raster_result(out = result_list,
x = raster_template,
alpha = c(1, 2),
window = c(3, 5))
} # }